You do your best to phone frequently. You shop for her, drive her to the doctor, help her pay the bills…and so much more. But you can’t be there every minute of every day. That’s where we can help in your community and the surrounding area.


Are you stressed out from your daily routine or loneliness? Have a trauma post an accident or critical illness? Massage therapy is the best solution to come out of those situations. It truly helps to relax your body and mind while rejuvenating with fresh energy levels. Therapeutic massage can relieve elderly people from various kinds of ailments like joint pains, loneliness, and physical conditions like arthritis and blood pressure. Most importantly, the techniques used for seniors vary compared to adults or the younger generation.


Nutrition forms the foundation for good health. Yet as people age, they often find it difficult to maintain a balanced diet. Elders who struggle with poor dentition or ill-fitting dentures may experience discomfort with chewing, which can lead to decreased food intake. Sometimes older family members lose the energy to cook for themselves and instead rely on convenience foods that may be less than healthy.


Are you concerned about your family member being left alone at the hospital? We can help. Personalized attention, support and assistance with daily activities can make a hospital stay more productive. Here are some of the services we provide those in the hospital:
- Provide one-on-one attention, support, assistance with daily activities
- Keep older adult oriented with appropriate lighting, clock, calendar, photos, personal effects.
- Ensure movement throughout the day, walking (or if walking is not possible, then safe movement in chair or bed )
- Ensure toileting every 3 hours
- Ensure sitting in chair when not sleeping – prevent lying in bed all day
- Ensure eating takes place, seated in chair
- Ensure intake of clear fluids occurs throughout the day
- Encourage sleep through the night (through darkening of room, gentle backrub, warm smile, soothing music, warm blanket). Avoid daytime naps.


'Personal care.’ It’s a term we use to describe those delicate activities no one usually talks about: going to the bathroom, bathing, putting on undergarments.
When a loved one needs help with personal care activities, the situation can become awkward for everyone involved. Family caregivers may feel embarrassed helping a parent or grandparent use the bathroom. Your loved one may be a very modest person who doesn’t want a family member helping with these highly personal activities.
Incontinence is the second leading cause that forces seniors to leave their home. While over 80% of women and 50% of men over age 50 will experience incontinence, it is not a normal part of the aging process. Unfortunately, it is common for seniors to wait many years before seeking help with incontinence.


Palliative care is a team approach to caring for those suffering from serious and chronic illnesses such as cardiac disease, COPD, Alzheimer’s, cancer and many more. Palliative care focuses on symptoms such as pain, nausea, sleep disorders, fatigue and depression in order to improve the quality of life for the patient.
The team most often includes a doctor, nurse, palliative care specialist and family members. We also become a valuable member of the palliative care team.
Our professionals can handle many day-to-day chores to free up more time for family caregivers. They can also provide respite care to allow other caregivers time for their own life and to recharge their batteries. We can provide emotional and spiritual support for the patient and the family.
When our professionals are part of a palliative care team, we put virtually all of our experience and service capabilities to work to fill in wherever needed and whenever needed. We’ve helped many local families with palliative care services and our experience can help you through important caregiving decisions.


It’s hard enough to keep up with your own home and lawn care, let alone take care of your parents’ or grandparents’ house, too. And when seniors find themselves unable to maintain their own home, they may feel a loss of independence. Our services can ease everyone’s mind.


If your parents or grandparents have given up the car keys, you may find yourself taking time off work to shuttle them to medical appointments, grocery shopping and other places. That can be tough when you need to save your sick days to tend to the rest of your family’s health needs.
Whenever your loved one needs to travel within the area, we can help. Our incidental transportation services get your parents or grandparents where they need to go. Not only that, but our trained professionals can even attend medical appointments and take notes, help with grocery shopping and much more.


Is your loved one living in a Special Care Home? Your loved one would benefit from additional companionship and stimulation particularly if they lack regular social contact or live with chronic pain, illness, depression or dementia. If they lack appetite or ability to self-feed, we can make a big difference. We help with walking, routine, exercise, outings, feeding and a variety of engaging activities (reading, games) that suit our senior client’s interests.


All family caregivers in the area need a break now and then. And here’s a secret: sometimes your family can use a break from you, too. Meeting someone new and chatting about current events can be a welcome breath of fresh air to those who rely on others for caregiving.
We provide in-home respite care that gives you a break from caregiving.
A well-designed respite program provides these breaks on a regular, scheduled basis. Giving yourself the gift of respite makes you a better family caregiver because it can recharge you physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Your senior loved ones also benefit from respite. Introducing a new caregiver provides the mental stimulation that keeps a mind sharp. Yet the professional caregiver will ensure your family member’s routine stays intact.


We specialize in caring for seniors in the familiarity and privacy of your own environment, eliminating the inconvenience of travel, wait times and uncooperative weather, and allowing for easy integration of treatment with your lifestyle. Treatment in a familiar environment also often leads to better compliance with treatment, yielding higher rates of improvement.


Client/Patient Access Services, or CPAS, is designed to help people access needed health care services at home and at the hospital. Within the applicable Health Region, CPAS staff works with families and health professionals to promote a friendly client/patient system.
We are experienced working with CPAS staff to provide seniors the services they need, wherever they are needed. A few of the most common services our trained caregivers provide in working with CPAS include: