In-Home Massage Therapy

Stop bothering all your loved ones for a massage; get the real thing at home or office. You don’t even have to get a babysitter! The moment you have been looking forward to all week is here! A massage at your home or office!!
Consider…. a comfortable table with warm sheets, the feeling of your stress melting away as soothing music surrounds you. Just resting on the massage table is relaxing.
But wait… there is also a massage!! As the therapist works she seems to know just where all the tight spots are…. even if you didn’t know they were there! Soon they are being worked out using a blend of Swedish Massage Techniques customized especially for your needs. You can feel yourself falling into a relaxed state… all the day’s responsibilities vanish. As you take some deep breaths, letting go of all your cares, you feel the tension in your body being soothed by the therapists caring touch.
When the relaxing experience is finished, if you are at home, you’ve had no traffic, parking or weather to fight… nothing to do but go straight for a warm bath and to bed. If you are at work, you can continue your workday focused, relaxed and ready to tackle the now simple jobs ahead.
Sounds good? You can experience this for yourself with a visit from a massage therapist.